Welcome to The Simple Living Guide.
A place on the internet dedicated to sharing ideas, hacks, products and more to make life simpler and more fulfilling.
Hi, there! My name’s Yash, and I’ve decided to start this website to challenge myself to write more whilst discovering and sharing ideas to hopefully make people’s lives a little easier.
What authority do I have to do this? None whatsoever, I’m just a guy who lives in the suburbs in London and loves learning new things. I figured other people may find some of the things I’ve learnt useful so set up this site to write about what I know.
I’ll share ideas, hacks, products, books and more that I’ve found to have made my life easier. The website may seem a little empty right now as I’m just starting out. But join me now and we can see where this ends up together!
If you’d like to stay updated with new content (which would be awesome) you can do so by signing up here.
Also, please do reach out to me with any ideas, hacks, thoughts that have helped you in your life, or even if you just want a chat. I would love to connect with people through this endeavour!