In this noisy world, it’s easy to get caught up in agonising over life’s shortcomings. To worry about our mistakes or constantly wish away our perceived personal and material limitations. This train of thought can easily create a sense of unrest within our minds as they fill with desires and unhappiness while ignoring the fortunes that we have been afforded. But by employing mindfulness we can recalibrate our focus and the simple habit to start us on that path is to practise gratitude.
Gratitude is the expression of appreciation for what one has. We can feel gratitude towards anything; the people in our lives, the roof over our head, anything we’re lucky enough to own or something as simple as the sun’s warmth on our skin.
Research has shown that practising gratitude can instantly improve one’s mood, over time raise one’s happiness and even help those with mental health problems improve their outlook. When exercising gratitude we focus on the present moment. In this state of concentration, we experience no worries or desires and possess a calmer mind.
In reality, emotions can lag behind knowledge. Thinking about all the reasons you should be happy may not align with how you feel. Although you may be aware of all the positives in your life, you can still end up feeling down or empty.
While gratitude alone cannot change one’s circumstance, with consistent practise it can help to shift one’s mindset, to focus on the good things in life, giving emotions a chance to catch up to knowledge.
Four ideas to incorporate gratitude into your life
Practising gratitude doesn’t have to be cumbersome or mundane. Below are ideas on incorporating gratitude into your life in varied and interesting ways.
Write a letter to someone you feel grateful for
They probably don’t know how you feel and doing so will strengthen your bond with that person. You don’t even have to send the letter but the mere act of reflecting on what that person means to you will surely bring a smile to your face.
Reframe negative or painful moments in your life
Reflect on the setbacks in your life and concentrate on how they made you stronger. It’s easy to dwell on the negatives or injustice you’ve experienced but as they say, every cloud has a silver lining.
Did you learn anything? Let go of something that was holding you back? Moved on to a better opportunity? Did the experience simply make you stronger?
Find positives in the miseries that are eating you up.
Carry a gratitude object
Carry a small object, possibly a pebble or marble, and every time you feel it be grateful for something. This will reinforce the act of gratitude as we all giving you a happiness boost.
Start a gratitude journal
I’ve already written about the benefits of journaling. You can incorporate writing about what you’re grateful for in that journal. If you don’t journal, start one just for recording your gratitude. It can also serve as a record of all the amazing things in your life.
Tips to maximise benefits
Trying to feel grateful for the same things might quickly get old. However, by getting specific with your thanks you can keep it fresh. Are you thankful that your spouse made you dinner when they knew you’d be tired? Or that you get to sit in the warmth of you home on a particularly stormy night? By getting specific even the same things can be appreciated in new ways.
Find things to be thankful about in your every-day; getting green lights all the way to your destination, having a fantastic lunch, experiencing pleasant weather all day. You can almost make it a game. In time you’ll find your very mindset shifting as you begin to notice and appreciate the little things.
When practising gratitude, especially in the beginning, it helps to really mean it. Don’t just listlessly list out a few things that you’re grateful for. Stop. Take a deep breath. Smile. Appreciate from within just how amazing aspects of your life are.
Try it for yourself
Gratitude is a tool to improve your overall happiness and wellbeing, along with things like meditation, mindfulness and working towards your goals. Gratitude is the perfect first step towards resetting your mindset and being more content with your life. Incorporate it into your daily habits and feel its effects.